Nafsaniyoun has many deparments. Each deparment is supervised by specialists.
Research Department
Under the supervision of Dr. Yousef kafrouni. The research network consists of 50 researchers under the supervision of Prof. Youssef Kfrouni. This section works on the preparation …
Advocacy Department
This department is constituted of lawyers and human rights activists aiming at introducing marginalized people to their rights, defending them, and putting pressure on authorities …
Media Department
This department aims to spread psychological awareness by publishing specialized journals on psychological issues, through illustrated, written, recorded videos, texts and practica…
Cultural section
The cultural section consists of a public and electronic library that hosts visitors at Nafsaniyoun Center in Badaro for reading and researching. The library includes thousands of …
The Department of Cooperation and Scientific Exchange
The mission of this department is to communicate with associations, centers, institutions and ministries in Lebanon and abroad, besides seeking cooperation and partnership in order…