Doctor Elie Abou Chakra
Doctor Abou Chakra is a Lecturer at the Lebanese University and Saint Joseph University, Specialized in Clinical Psychology, Psychotherapist and Psychoanalyst
Psychotherapists, psychiatrists, and psychology students except first year students can benefit from this training program.
28 hours
Every Saturday from 1:00 till 3:00 pm Starting Saturday 23 October 2021
Practicing Psychodynamic Therapy
This program is a training for conducting psychodynamicpsychotherapy, It outlines the techniques used for assessment,beginning the treatment and conducting psychodynamicpsychotherapy using uncovering and supporting techniques.
This training will help you in:
- Beginning the treatment
- Understanding psychodynamic theory and its practice.
- Conducting a complete psychodynamic therapy forpsychological disorders
- Acquiring techniques in listening, reflecting andinterpretations techniques
- Conducting a psychodynamic assessment for an initial formulation and recommendations for treatment
Concepts |
Introuction: what is Psychodynamic psychotherapy? Theory of therapeutic action. |
Assessment |
Case formulation and indications for psychodynamic psychotherapy |
Beginning the treatment |
Alliance empathy and neutrality |
Techniques of treatment |
Duration |
2 hours |
6 hours |
4 hours |
4 hours |
4 hours |
8 hours |
The training will be delivered in Arabic
Fees: 250,000 L.L. Including Certificate of complation and training materials.
Each recorded session remains available with you for one month.
P.S: Deadline of Registration is 10 November 2021